Currently, there are 9 approved GBCAs on the market using the MRI. However, not one of them is cancer-specific. Conventional anatomic and functional imaging, including contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT), ultrasound, sodium [18F]-fluoride PET, positron emission tomography (PET) employing 2-deoxy-2-[18F]fluoro-D-glucose (FDG PET), and multi-parameter magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), may not be effective for specific detection and accurate characterization of aggressive solid tumors. MT’s imaging agents have the following competitive advantages:
MT218 is technically similar to existing macrocyclic agents and eases regulatory approvals and adoption;
High Gd chelation stability of MT218 over linear contrast agents with lower adverse effect;
The exact location of very small tumor (i.e. <0.3 mm) with MRI;
Non-invasive classification of as low or high-risk before biopsy for both MT218 and MTP219;
Compatible with the existing clinical MRI, PET scanners and protocols;
Involvement in clinical decision making during the initial cancer screen and active surveillance;
Substantially reduced doses for effective cancer imaging for MT218 that can minimize potential dose-dependent side-effects.